Italian bees are still trying to get into Carniolans' hive despite the
contraption to slow them down.
The Green beehive in Shakopee which has been " rescued" many times over the season: Losing a queen, adding a new queen, honey bees killing the new queen, adding a nuc ( 5 frames of brood, nectar, pollen, Caniolan honey bees and queen), battling mites, and ants, feeding them, building a "super" structure to slow down robbing by their next door neighbors the Italians bees. It is not because we did not try to help them, we did really try very hard. However, after seeing the colony yesterday...the robbing continues, the fights are numerous around the entrance, and the Carniolan seem overwhelmed, and overpowered.
Fights among the bees.
The colony is robbed because it is weak, and nature knows, it will not survive. Even with all our ingenuity or because of my stubbornness to save the bees by feeding them some sugar syrup earlier, and protecting them; I have reached yesterday the sad and somber conclusion that it is really doomed. This colony cannot survive on this meager sustenance The Italian bees are stealing their honey; the Carinolans' reserve needed to survive the winter.
Ben looked at some frames, and not much honey was left for the Carniolans. Although these type of bees make a smaller cluster when the cold arrives and thus need less honey to feed the colony, the reserves are dwindling and insufficient.
I feel sad. I really thought that I could save them. But I guess I knew deep inside that it was a lost cause but I had to try, I had to hope. No one can win against Nature... she always wins. However, I take comfort in the fact that I gave it all. No regrets.
More fighting and trying to get in.