Raising Honeybees in the Suburbs

After taking a few entomology classes at the University of Minnesota. I discovered with fascination the world of insects, especially honey bees. It will be my seventh year as a beekeeper and I am sure a new adventure as well.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Another Spectacular Fall Day!

Sunday October 9, 2011

I went to visit the bees today. All look nice and beautiful. In Chanhassen our 3 colonies seem strong, and I saw a lot of honeybees bringing back orange pollen. The paper wasps , yellow jackets and hornets were not bothering them anymore...just saw a few. No drones thrown out yet either.

 Last week, I had given them 2 pails each of 2:1 sugar syrup, but I could tell that  they did not seem very interested. In all I only added a pail of syrup in that apiary. As they also need proteins at this time of year, I gave them some pollen patties. But they had not finished their last serving! Despite the astonishing warm and very dry weather, the honeybees must find some nectar and pollen somewhere because they seemed happy , in good health and calm.

When I opened the covers of each colony, I could smell the honey. Right now it has a very strong and sweet scent... heaven!

On the other hand, in Shakopee the honeybees had almost drank all their syrup and ate all of their pollen patties. I replenished all. They were also calm and seemed in good health, flying around and being bees.

A little anecdote: In Shakopee, before  removing  the outer cover of the colony with the golden honeybees I found a penny next to the  rock that is placed on the top  to prevent the wind or an animal to take it out! I took the penny for good  luck  and in its place I  put an acorn!

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