Raising Honeybees in the Suburbs

After taking a few entomology classes at the University of Minnesota. I discovered with fascination the world of insects, especially honey bees. It will be my seventh year as a beekeeper and I am sure a new adventure as well.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Golden Harvest

Saturday September 10, 2011
Honey: Vintage 2011

Our friends Lori and Ken had lost their colony last fall. They decided to try again this year and to their amazement, their bees rewarded them with 2 supers!
Lori and Ken working hard...Ben directing!

Yes, the honey is being extracted!
It took 4 hours to extract 2 supers...we knew Ben and I were going to "live" in the garage the whole weekend. Lori and Ken left around 2pm . Happy to have collected some honey and wax. 

Then came our turn, we never stopped the extractor since 10:30am...we finished (Ben did) at midnight, taking 30 minutes for lunch and dinner! 
Ben using a hot knife to open the capped honey
At an angle the hot knife slice the wax, revealing the honey

Ben place the frame inside the extractor, all cells are open(no more wax covering)

The extractor is full: 9 frames at once! and electric too this year!

Sweet pure honey

You must wonder where do I fit in that extraction day... Well I was busy taking pictures, bringing coffee, diet coke and such. And oh reading in a chair, watching the whole operation! The best was that I was with Ben doing what I love...being with him:) 

Our total honey for this year 2011: 160 lb. Average moisture content: 18.9 %
We are happy, our honeybees worked hard and we love them...what a sweet, sweet reward! Next bottling the precious gold liquid at the end of the month.

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